Gardening in the Green Mountain State!
Become a Member
Joining is easy! Randolph Garden Club meets the second Tuesday of each month, March or April through December, and you can join at any regular meeting. Please be our guest and check out the fellowship and gardening information shared at an upcoming meeting. We always have a great time, and you may find the club is a perfect fit for you.
Meetings include informational speakers, garden-themed workshops, make-it, take-it workshops, a tea or potluck dinner. Field trips might be to the Brout Orchid Collection, the Bird Museum, Hildene, or a beautiful garden. Annual membership dues of $20 are payable by July of each year, or you may pay your dues when you join. If you're interested in visiting, please click the Programs tab above to find out more about our activities. Hope to see you at the next meeting or workshop! |
New Members Always Welcome!
New Membership Contact – [email protected] Our events, garden tips, club photos, and more can be viewed on our Facebook page. Click the link in the upper right corner above the menu bar.